
How to Install Telivy on your Windows Asset

Telivy can be installed two ways:

  1. Using an RMM: This is the recommended and the most frequently used method of installation by most MSPs. Admin privilege is recommended for this installation for best coverage.
  2. Using an Executable: This is the recommended method if the MSP does not have an RMM access. An executable can be used even if you do not have admin access.

Install via RMM

In the configuration section for each assessment, the RMM command for that particular assessment is available to deploy via your RMM.

Click on the “Copy Powershell Command” and run it in your RMM with admin credentials.

Install via an Executable

You download an assessment specific executable by clicking on the “Download Telivy Agent” link. You can install Telivy by double clicking on the executable. Windows will show a popup asking for admin credentials. If you do not have admin credentials, click on No.

You can also send a downloadable link to the end user who can then install in admin mode or non admin mode based on their current access levels.

You can send the following instructions to the end user:

  • Download the software from the link [include the link from your configuration page here]
  • Double click to run it.
  • If Anti Virus blocks it while running, allow it by clicking on Run Anyways.
  • When prompted for admin access, try clicking Yes. If it gives an error, you can click No.

Installation Timeline

Once the installation has been kicked off, here is the sequence of events that are performed:

  1. When using RMM installation, the first step is to download the executable from and execute the downloaded installation. If you notices that the download has failed, please check your anti virus status.
  2. The first step is to reach to the Telivy servers to create an asset in your assessment. Telivy scanner gathers hostname, OS name and a lot of other metadata.
  3. The next step is to install a controller. A controller is responsible for coordinating the scan process and any rescans that are triggered. Even if this step fails, the next step, the asset scan continues. If the controller installation fails, the asset tab will show an installation error but the individual scans will show a success.
  4. The asset scan is triggered - which includes vulnerability scanning, application scanning, PII scans and password analysis.
  5. The status then changes to “In Progress” in the Telivy portal.
  6. The controller checks in every 1 hour to check if the scan has completed. Usually the PII scan takes a while depending on how many files are present on the asset.
  7. If a scan fails for any reason a rescan is scheduled - this means that whenever the controller checks in with the asset, a rescan will be scheduled. If there is an error with the controller installation, a rescan may be stuck in “Rescan Scheduled”.